Regulatory reform, more stringent capital requirements, risk management considerations, disruptive technologies, a low interest rate environment, and enhanced reporting requirements are all challenges to growth in the financial services industry. Sophisticated strategies and solutions will be required for financial institutions to gain a competitive edge. AA Vietnam professionals assist many of today’s largest financial services organisations with their most challenging issues in every segment of the financial industry.
Industry specialisation is critical
Our vision was to combine all FS audits and related FS specialisations under “one roof”. We identified and built professionals with strong expertise and deep financial services experience across lines of services.
Deepening our knowledge
We grew our FS specialisation to include tax and advisory. This was important given the size of the Vietnamese FS market. It also served as a means to attract and retain FS talent.
Advisory centric
Our FS Consulting practice helps you to respond to new regulatory Basel II and beyond requirements, and to embark on transformation journey that spans across Finance, Operation, Technology, Organisation, Human Resources.
The depth and breadth of our capabilities means that we look at the business issues while taking into consideration industry risks and challenges. The below depicts the key service offerings performed by our FS auditors and the relevant FS specialists.
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